In the heart of Mpumalanga, South Africa, lies a story of transformation, empowerment, and creativity. Ukuthunga Handmade, a remarkable non-profit organization, is making a profound impact on the lives of women across three local communities: Msholozi, Mpakeni, and...
We recently spoke with Marc Cronje, the man behind the binoculars, renowned for his expertise as a bird guide with deep knowledge of birds, spanning local and international species. Marc is based in Nelspruit, Mpumalanga and often leads bird watching walks at Likweti...
Likweti Bushveld Farm Estate has been recognized as one of South Africa’s top wildlife estates for a number of years now, making it a sought-after choice for both local and international buyers seeking the best of Lowveld living. Phases 1 (Likweti Hills) and 2...
Introducing African blue basil (Ocimum gratissimum) also, known as clove basil and African basil. This hybrid basil variety is a cross between camphor basil and a cultivar of basilicum, ‘Dark Opal’, bringing not only visual delight but also a wealth of...
Winter birding at Likweti Bushveld Farm Estate expertly led by international bird guide, Marc Cronje – 3 July 2024. Nestled in the heart of the Lowveld, Likweti Bushveld Farm Estate offers a stunning backdrop for nature enthusiasts and bird watchers alike. A...