Flowering aloes are a wonderful sight every winter in the Lowveld. Not only do the striking colours of these beautiful plants brighten up the bushveld, but they also attract a variety of sunbirds who feed on the nectar.
Because nectar is one of the main food sources for sunbirds, they are important pollinators in our ecosystems. They play a vital role in pollinating a number of iconic African plants, including proteas, aloes, and bird-of-paradise flowers. To date, 5 species of Sunbirds have been identified at Likweti Bushveld Farm Estate and every year its residents are treated to spectacular sightings of these tiny, but special birds.

The nest of the Scarlet-chested Sunbird is built solely by the female. It takes her about 3-6 days to complete the pear-shaped structure built of dry grass, stems, leaves and bark which is often held together with spider webs.
Speaking of houses and construction, Likweti Bushveld Farm Estate has been buzzing with building projects the last couple of months. The third phase’s third developer house (Erf 32) is nearing completion with groundworks for the fourth (Erf 52) starting soon. Several private building projects are also currently underway in both Likweti Plains (Phase 2) and Likweti Views (Phase 3).
Judging by the number of stands already sold and reserved at Likweti Views, this phase seems to be ticking all the right boxes for buyers who are looking for a carefree bushveld lifestyle in a top-rated wildlife residential estate.
One hectare stands with magnificent views of the Lowveld are now selling from R1.1 million. View our interactive sales map.
If you would like to view the estate and the property for sale by appointment, please get in touch with one of the mandated estate agents.