Help your garden spring to life

Spring is nature’s way of announcing that the old has passed and the new has arrived! Bird calls fill the air and signs of new beginnings are evident everywhere as trees and perennials suddenly burst into flower.

What better way to celebrate this newness of life at Likweti wildlife residential estate than with gardening? September month is like nature’s reset button after the harsh winter conditions, and therefore the perfect opportunity to do some maintenance in your garden.

Springtime is the best season to feed and add compost to your garden as this is when there is a lot of active new growth. It is also the best time to fertilize your lawn. Pruning differs from tree to tree, but according to Reinier Boshoff from Concrete & Garden Creations there are many trees and plants which should be pruned at the beginning of spring.

How “mulch” do you know about mulching?

Using mulch in your garden is an excellent water-wise practice for retaining soil moisture. Mulching is the practice of covering the soil around your plants or vegetables. Apart from the conservation of soil moisture, mulch is also used to improve fertility and health of the soil, reduce weed growth and last, but not least enhancing the visual appeal of your garden. Which product to use as mulch in your garden is entirely up to you and would in most cases be a cosmetic decision.

Materials which are used as mulch include: rocks or gravel, whole bark nuggets, woodchips, etc. Macadamia farming is booming in the Lowveld, and you might want to consider using these shells as mulch. Macadamia nut shells are very hard and long lasting, thus making it a very economical decorative mulch. Whatever your choice – mulching should be an annual spring exercise.

National Arbor Week

South Africa celebrates Arbor Week in the first week of September annually. National Arbor Week is an opportune time to call on all South Africans to plant indigenous trees as a practical and symbolic gesture of sustainable environmental management.

This special week is celebrated in spring because it is the perfect season to plant your favorite indigenous tree. It is also a great time to plant fruit trees. This year’s rare tree of the year is the Spekbook (Portulacaria Afra) so why not plant a few around your garden this spring to help the fight against climate change.

Concrete and Garden Creations is situated at entrance 25 off the R40 Barberton road and can assist with all your gardening needs this spring.

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