In the heart of Mpumalanga, South Africa, lies a story of transformation, empowerment, and creativity. Ukuthunga Handmade, a remarkable non-profit organization, is making a profound impact on the lives of women across three local communities: Msholozi, Mpakeni, and...
If you are considering moving from the hustle and bustle of Gauteng, the Lowveld should be first on your list of destinations! Mpumalanga province is known as “The Place Where the Sun Rises” which is very fitting as this is South Africa’s eastern most province....
Likweti Views, the third phase of development at Likweti Bushveld Farm estate near White River has been a hive of activity the last couple of months! The recently launched phase boasts fifty picturesque one-hectare stands. The lay of the land ensures that each one of...
Home is not just the place we live, it’s where we learn, play, grow, love, and do life together. Home should not just be about the location; it should be about the lifestyle presented by the location. Likweti Bushveld Farm Estate is an exceptional wildlife residential...
It was a stunning Lowveld morning as the sun rose over the plains of Likweti with Zebra and Wildebeest standing majestically in the background. With a start like this we were confident that we would have a beautiful morning of birding at Likweti wildlife residential...